Friday, October 19, 2007

Ann Got Nuthin Betta To Do

Nuthin really in annz mind to blog about.

So, ann shall just do some stupid survey,

Coz ann is really damn wuliao.


1. What is the best nickname that u ever had?
= best nick??ant…ann got many unique nicks. Read here.

2. Do you think suicide is the best way?
= Frankly speaking, when I was young I once had dat thought but u see ann is blogging now…thanz god ann is still alive.

3. Rate your social life from scale 1 to 10.
= at dis moment, ann think ann got a 7?

4. Are you in love with someone at the moment?
= cant reveal anything yet. But if ann is in lurve, ann will be proud to announce it aloud.

5. Are you missing someone at the moment?
= yaya…more than one actually…

6. Would you die for the one you love?
= donno. If ann do, there must be a farkin good reason for it. But, 99.999999999% won happen.

7. Do you think love hurts?
= ok. Itz liddis. It hurts when u lurve. It hurts too when u are not. For ann, I choose to be in lurve.

8. Whats the best thing about love at first sight?
= da chemicals dat sparkle …

9 . Whats the worst thing about being in love?
= too dependent on him. Sometimes, your mood swing with watt he had said n done.

10. Will you wait for someone you love?
= Depends. While waiting, ann will be eyeing for better guy though.

11. What song best describes your life at this moment?
= I Wanna Be Rich by Calloway

13. Do you wanna get married?
= now?? Farkin no ok. 10years later, ya.

14. Have you talked to the person you love on the phone?
= :x (ann choose not to answer)

15. Do you keep memories or try to forget them?
= keep. Even da bitter part, ann still remember da details of it. It hurts though. Maybe ann shall learn to forget da bitter n just keep da sweet part huh.

16. Is love always on your side or the opposite way?
= wish it could always by my side

18. Do you have a gay/lesbian/bisexual friend?
= yaya…ann don mind if u are gay/lesbian/bisex, u are human anyway. Ann respect u n so ann hope to get dat respect from u too.

19. Are you sick of love?
= hell no. if ann sick of lurve, u will be seeing a botak ann sitting in a temple n go ‘tok’’tok’’tok’. Ann do sick of da loved one sometimes.

20. Are you sick of questions on love?
= em…sometimes…

21. What are you going to do tomorrow?
= if da plan goes well, will be meeting up a fren in da noon, going to lecturerz open house, n mum mum.

22. What do u want so bad right now?
= a key of freedom

23. Do you think money is everything?
= yaya. Ann don think anyone could live on with just lurve. Datz crapz. Be reality man, no buckz u cant even talk loud.

24 . What song are you listening right now?
= Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie

2 5. Whats the song that u last downloaded ?
= Kuang Ye by Ado

26: How much do you love music?
= damn much. Minus out music from annz life, u betta as well take annz life away.

28 . Have u written ur own song?
= nono. Maybe I should try huh.

29. What's the movie that you last watched?
= Nobuta wo Produce epi 2

30. Do you believe in forever?
= nono. Ann don believe in those kind.

31. What's the last words you want to say to your loved one?
= To lurve or not to lurve, u decide. Dammit.

31. What's the last words you want to say to yourself?
= stop dis craps. Dammit. Go n study now. I SAY NOW.

0 spoken out !!!: