Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Dis is da 3rd times ann visited Starbucks

In one week time…

Just to use their wi-fi service

N to use da wi-fi, ann gotta purchase a cup of drink for sure la

Every times ann sure requests for more whipped cream purleese

Even with fruits blends, whipped cream is added


Ann is in lurve with whipped cream la

Yala yala

Ann whinned like a piggy bout putting on weight

But cant help la

Cant live without it wo

How ne…??

N lately ann also addicted to red bean ice

Damn delicious u know

As ecstatic as farking

Priced at 5bucks, very reasonable le

Da red beans damn nice n sweet

*licking lips*

Ann keeps talking bout food anly hor…

Watt to do,

Datz watt ann has been doing la

Eat-help aunt-eat-gym-eat-zzz

Almost like a piggy already

Someone keeps asking ann to stop eating

Ann tried so hard la my dear

Ann will keep trying to control annself ok



Ann has been helping aunt for almost 2weeks

Ann has been observing those Myanmar-nationality workers in da restaurant…

One of them is big-eyes ,he is cute la, Ann always likes to kacao him one

One of them is cha-dao-looking, looks blur everytimes with his significant out-of-bed look.

One of them is shui-yong, likes to kacao me one but ann always ignore him

One of them is helpful, always help ann to take ice one

One of them is da big-bro of all, anything u can find him one

One of them is helpful too, always pong-chan ann one so dat we can close stall earlier

But sadly, none of them is gentleman, see ann carries big bag of rubbish also never help one, bastards.

Watt else ann wanna blog le…

Anne will be back in 3days time

Miss her lotz

She is annz dearest cousin sis

We used to share our stories

Mainly lurve stories, of course

Luckily dis time ann manage to share something ho

Yala, thankz to someone la.


Datz all


Misses someone lotz,

But donno is da someone missing ann as much as ann misses him le…

1 spoken out !!!:

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie, bloghop from nuffnang. Do leave me a tag at my bloggy too. (: