Monday, December 03, 2007

Heppie burfdae to me

Heppie burfdae to ann

Heppie burfdae to ann

Heppie burfdae to an~n

Heppie burfdae to ann


Today is annz burfdae

Where is annz pressie

Ann wants pressie la…

Ann turns 21 officially

Ann can enter casino legally

Ann can fark someone legally

Ann could be charged if ann goes against da rules

Ann can drink legally

Ann can finally be freed legally

Ann can officially call annself an adult

Treat ann as adult from today onwards

Got it?

Wanna have a new look before today

But hor,


Because ann is not back to Malacca yet

Because hairstyling in kl is farkingly expensive

Because ann is kiamsiap to fork out dat much of amount

Because mom will kill ann if ann did dat

Because ann is still in kl

Because ann will only get back to Malacca mid of dis month

Because by dat time then ann can change annz bored-to-death-curls to something new

Because hair salons in Malacca are supposed to be cheaper than kl

Because liddat then mom would pay for it

Conclusion: ann is still in bored-to-death-curls

Celebrating annz burfdae in mama house

Invited relatives…n some frenz

Longing for tonight

Because ann will be getting angpaus

Because ann will be receiving pressies

Ann just lurves to be showered with wishes n lurves

In case u are wondering…

Is da someone celebrating with ann??



2 spoken out !!!:

Anonymous said...

Hapi Burthdey...

annant said...

thankz much much ar...