Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Hihi 2008


Itz a new year again

Faster say tata to 2007,

N hihi *wave hard hard* to 2008



So howz your celebration?

Annz was great lo

Although it was in Bint-ulu

Who say we cant celebrate here? Who say?

We celebrated it as Bint-ulu-ian style ok.

Will post up those picciez when ann finish collecting from camera galz n guy.



At first we thought of wanna go clubbing one,

In da end, we didn't make it...

Because itz a lil' pricey lo.

But we still enjoy ourselves so much

Everybody went tipsy...

Somebody like traffic lights some more ler (quoted from jag) =P

Someone took her first ever liquor in her life and ann guessed she lurves it so much and she was so luckie to kept continue drinking =P

Congrats kikilala, at last, u've grown up...

Faster say big thankz to us la...

More pic will be up soon....



A new year

A new start

A new chapter

A new beginning.

Forget da BAD

Cherish da GOOD

Ann sincerely wish u guyz a very

Heppie New Year 2008







0 spoken out !!!: