Thursday, March 20, 2008


ann had dat much holiday.

started from yesterday and end on sun.

da following is a to-do list to occupy her holiday.

- teman theng to medan (DONE)

- digs others secrets Ladies Nite

- finishes Heroes season one (she know she's slow)

- completes amali 7 (DONE)

- sweeps n mops da floor

- tidy table

- blogs bout da majlis (workin' on)

- reorganize notes

- reorganize shit stuffs in lappie

- shops till drop (already drop and broke. dis one sure tak jadi)

- laundry


these are watt she can think at dis moment. see, so many thing to do. em...she will be busy.

letz pray. she CAN actually accomplish her missions.



Von blogged bout types of frenz.

ann wanna add one more type can?

Hippocratic ones.

berbaik-baik in front of you.

stab your back until berlubang-lubang behing of you.


for ann, if she don like you. you can see it from her face. even if you are so blind dat you cant, you can hear. won talk much to her, even if she did, just hihi-mum already?-blablabla-tata. never go beyond dat.

ok-la. ann admits la. she did act like one sometimes (read: rarely).


ann had friends who are once drug-takers although she hates drug.

ann had friends who are chimney although she hates smokes so farking much.

ann had friends who are party animals although she don really party much.

ann had friends who are dayilong (literally means big ear holes aka loansharks)although she don borrow $$$. 

ann had friends who are suffering from down-syndrome although she aint down.

ann had friends who stop studying after form3 although she's now in uni. they actually own cars now which they pay themselves. not even a sen from family. *salutes*

ann had friends who are in their 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's. ya. they are all folks uncles and aunties. itz nice to know them. their advices make her stronger and continue to live on with =)


ann never look down on them. they are those who ann really glad to befriend with.

ann never go behind their backs and shoot them. never ok.

sometimes watt they did may make no sense which make her drive up da wall. but these are watt ann like bout them. really.


incase you are wondering. nope. ann aint pinpointing anyone. *reassure*

0 spoken out !!!: