Friday, December 07, 2007

Working no more

Today is annz last day of working

Tomorrow onwards, ann need not wake up early anymore.

Ann gonna miss those cuties in da restaurant…


Had been working there for nearly a month,

They actually lighten up annz dayz u know

Sometimes when there was no customer,

Ann would be looking at them…

Quietly observed da way they approached customers, da way they walked, da way they speak among themselves.

N ann manage to learn some from them

Mengelam nanakem – good morning

Piong jo mey – im going back

Jeo peong gehlengchai

Crème de La mer – wanna follow too

n many more…but ann forgotten la~~

ann has such a bad memory…


N ann met an ol koko(brother)

He is farkin hilarious one

We made fun of each other,

he polished up annz English n ann taught him watt is prawn in Chinese,

aimed lengluis together especially those big breast one,

shared our life together,

n ann think watt make us get along so well was

we are both choco n cheesie lurver.



Ol koko,

Sure u will miss ann much one…

Because no one will like ann laughing with u already…



Ann miss susu too, he is such a cute guy boy…

0 spoken out !!!: