Monday, March 24, 2008

It's time

after many thoughts,

ann thinks its time to change...

new one

click it and view... really makes ann goes grr... all da time.

no choice but to change.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


ann had dat much holiday.

started from yesterday and end on sun.

da following is a to-do list to occupy her holiday.

- teman theng to medan (DONE)

- digs others secrets Ladies Nite

- finishes Heroes season one (she know she's slow)

- completes amali 7 (DONE)

- sweeps n mops da floor

- tidy table

- blogs bout da majlis (workin' on)

- reorganize notes

- reorganize shit stuffs in lappie

- shops till drop (already drop and broke. dis one sure tak jadi)

- laundry


these are watt she can think at dis moment. see, so many thing to do. em...she will be busy.

letz pray. she CAN actually accomplish her missions.



Von blogged bout types of frenz.

ann wanna add one more type can?

Hippocratic ones.

berbaik-baik in front of you.

stab your back until berlubang-lubang behing of you.


for ann, if she don like you. you can see it from her face. even if you are so blind dat you cant, you can hear. won talk much to her, even if she did, just hihi-mum already?-blablabla-tata. never go beyond dat.

ok-la. ann admits la. she did act like one sometimes (read: rarely).


ann had friends who are once drug-takers although she hates drug.

ann had friends who are chimney although she hates smokes so farking much.

ann had friends who are party animals although she don really party much.

ann had friends who are dayilong (literally means big ear holes aka loansharks)although she don borrow $$$. 

ann had friends who are suffering from down-syndrome although she aint down.

ann had friends who stop studying after form3 although she's now in uni. they actually own cars now which they pay themselves. not even a sen from family. *salutes*

ann had friends who are in their 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's. ya. they are all folks uncles and aunties. itz nice to know them. their advices make her stronger and continue to live on with =)


ann never look down on them. they are those who ann really glad to befriend with.

ann never go behind their backs and shoot them. never ok.

sometimes watt they did may make no sense which make her drive up da wall. but these are watt ann like bout them. really.


incase you are wondering. nope. ann aint pinpointing anyone. *reassure*

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Carrot Boy

dono WHY suddenly da wireless so good here. can sign in msn some more. ict upgraded da system izzit ar? thank sky thank land.

yours truly gonna blog about dis carrot.

he is one of da most important guyz in her life.

he in shades

he being posey in shades

he is da one who spanked her while she was only few months old. how dare u huh? mami paid more attention to her then he bushuang then he spanked her. how could he do dat to her who was still an infant. wtf. mami said one. don dare u deny bout dat.

he is da one had made her cried. once, he didnt allow her to open his cupboard. then, she cried. and ter-pulled off da handle of da door.

he is da one who protects his family and lurves them. like how he thinks when someone changes. like how he treats popo who suffer from Alzheimer's. like he helps her when she was broke.

like daddy like son

like daddy like son. neighbour's kid call daddy uncle david. and they cal he gege david.

he is da one who she would divorce if he were her husband. because given choice nike or adidas, he chose power from bata. wtf? he said very cheap and nice. 100buckz can buy two some more. she will kick his ass her future husband say this to her. and then he likes avanza so freaking much u know. because it is big and cheap. why is he liddis one.

he is da bestest along in da world. because no interest added. and then need not to pay back some more =p . because his $$$ is her $$$, her $$$ is still her $$$.

he is da one who would not apply any credit card. because he say she will be da one using it. how can he be liddis one? sien...

he is da one who brought our doggies home. da 1st doggie brought us happy moments for more than 10years. but da 2nd doggie, dollar, brought us headaches la. bites shoes(dollar is choosy one ok. bite only branded ones. mami's some more.), barks at us(stupid dog), bites her some more wtf.

da late brownkie

say hi to da late brownkie. miss u wei

da then chickie ass

dis is how chickie ass used to zzz. now no longer liddis because chickie ass turns into giant ass already.

he is da one she will confess everything to. her crush, her samsi, her argument with mami. then, overtimes, she will end with 'don tell mami ar...'

and he will share his too. sometimes she knows more than mami does le. *sniff sniff*

she sometimes feel like strangle him to death when he purposely or accidentally raise his voice to answer to her questions when she wants them to be undercover.

he is da one who would protect her whenever she screams 'ge, got kazak(cockroach in donno wt lingo)...' in high pitch. she damn scare ok. see all those lil' crawling, walao geli can die ok. he would catch it with toilet paper while she was crying quatting on da kitchen sink. besides, he also protects her from getting scolding from mami.

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he in one of his favorite t-shirt with mami.

he is da one she is always taking advantage on. because whenever mami says 'ann, sweep and mop da floor, sweep clean clean ar' da other hand, ann will pass the message and yells, 'ge, mami ask u to sweep and mop da floor, sweep clean clean ar, thank you very da much'.

he is da one who would do supper when we both stayed up late to hug buddha's stinking legs.. misses his hotdogs. ahem, edible fried hotdogs ok. dirty-minded u go away.

he is simply da bestest ge in da world. because he gave her his newly bought lappie. because she said it is lighter and she lurvesss him very da much.

da then annz lappie

neh, he using dis now. john is transex into joanne.

he is da most piggiest one. keep snoozing whenever she wakes him up. 'watt time now? 5minuites more la.' and da 5mins would go on till 1hour. see la, pig or no pig.

painting him

neh, he painting. a proof dat he isnt piggie all da time.

he is mami favoured son. because mami let him drive. because mami let him go out at night. because mami calls him kenneth boy, also din calls her constance gal one.

favoured son n mami

neh, da favoured son and mami la.

he is da one would show =.= face when she goes manja manja. very sien one lo.


neh, da solou look. WYH she so blur at da back one.

and she will show =.= face in return when he tell his future plan. because hor, he already planned he and leeyee(potential future sis-in-law, if they make it la) will occupy my room as their room. and then his room will become baby's room. ooi, then me le?

people around he and she always compare between he and she.

she is big spender while he is penny wise but not pound foolish (source: every freaking person that know us well). don u guyz know dat, one negative + one positive = neutral? *self-defense* he splurges on his motor ok. some more are those fake ones. cant ride ones. he bought another two again. where to put u say la.

she is cholo aka kasar (rough) while he is soft spoken aka lemah lembut (source: da maid). indonesian don really watt lemah lembut means. how can u use lemah lembut on guyz? lemah lembut = akua (nope. she is NOT referring to him. no. she isnt.)

sok lui n mang nam

she is just ok looking while he is lengchai. (source: every freaking person)see, mami already favored him when she was still in mami's uterus. mami so pienxin. sob. sulk.

he and she

she veri cha mer? (taken before he leaving to uum 3years back)

after three years of struggles, he is in his regalia and mortar board. she is so proud of him. da first chung to gradueted from uni ok(he is da eldest grandson of da chungs). she at first really plan to give him a surprise by attending his convocation. 800buckz to buy a surprise, she is just too broke to be dat generous. that surprice is way too expensive to splurge on. nobody wanna sponsor some more. she is just a poor student le. survives on ptptn one le. sorry ar. but she promise she will buy him a gift. she at forst think of giving him cash. but this bastard demanded 200buckz. sorry man. no way. she will buy him a gift which cost 20buckz. she is kiansap one ok.

anyways, she is here wishing him all the best in his future undertaking. faster faster find a job so dat she can do shopping with his money. she really really lurvesss him very da much. and she REALLY means it.

cutest one

from: your cutest sis.

this one can 当 as your pressie not? less than 20buckz le. ann can eat for 4days already. ok? deal ar. miss ya.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Who She Is

few days back, ann attended a meeting. when it ended, her president asked her one question. 'tell us who u are.'

it seemed like as easy as 123 question to be answer. but, she was speechless for 4325436254763seconds. da only thing she said was,' er,...i think im a eppie go lucky bitch gal,, watt do u think about me huh?' period.

datz why she wanna hear from u guyz. tell her right in her face watt da fark u think about her mind watt u say she tells u coz she knows hell lotza mantra chants thingy.

before u have your say, let her has her say.

she is fat and fugly

big n round face

donno why her face so round one.

but sometimes, she think she is slim and ahem, pretty.

posing in jammies

yes she is. posed in front of a club in jammies.

she is nice,

she can be mean at da same time.

she is chatty,

she can be a dumb at some of da time.

she is down to earth,

she is lansi occasionally.

lansi look

sometimes she makes people laugh,


don laugh la...

but she irritates da shit out of people who mess with her.

she is confident,

she is lost some of da time.


she is reasonable most of da time,

she will only be nutty some of da time.


she gets an A2 in bc


just to remind u, in case u forgot

but she is branded as a payaya. =(


she somehow wishes her boobs can be branded as papaya.

ok. go ahead and shoot now. tell watteva in your head. tell da truth.

remember watt she said earlier. u have been warned.