few days back, ann attended a meeting. when it ended, her president asked her one question. 'tell us who u are.'
it seemed like as easy as 123 question to be answer. but, she was speechless for 4325436254763seconds. da only thing she said was,' er,...i think im a eppie go lucky bitch gal, er...and...so, watt do u think about me huh?' period.
datz why she wanna hear from u guyz. tell her right in her face watt da fark u think about her mind watt u say she tells u coz she knows hell lotza mantra chants thingy.
before u have your say, let her has her say.
she is fat and fugly
donno why her face so round one.
but sometimes, she think she is slim and ahem, pretty.
yes she is. posed in front of a club in jammies.
she is nice,
she can be mean at da same time.
she is chatty,
she can be a dumb at some of da time.
she is down to earth,
she is lansi occasionally.
sometimes she makes people laugh,
don laugh la...
but she irritates da shit out of people who mess with her.
she is confident,
she is lost some of da time.
she is reasonable most of da time,
she will only be nutty some of da time.
she gets an A2 in bc
just to remind u, in case u forgot
but she is branded as a payaya. =(
she somehow wishes her boobs can be branded as papaya.
ok. go ahead and shoot now. tell watteva in your head. tell da truth.
remember watt she said earlier. u have been warned.
0 spoken out !!!:
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